Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Please post here in this format City, Name and Experience

1 comment:

  1. I am having problems with my landlord..when it rains outside it comes into my apartment and I have a really large puddle its been ongoing, I reported the problem and was giving sandbags which I have to put and remove from the front of my apartment when it rains its not easy on my back.I live on the second floor. I have fell in the door 2 times and not even and apology. mushrooms also grew in my apartment and which someone was sent out to paint over the mold it came back and once again it was painted over after compound was placed in dried over night I was sick for 3 months do to the mold my doctor gave me a letter to move as soon as possible I showed it to the office they are allowing me to move.. parts of my carpet was replace with vinyl during the time a nail was exposed and I cut my toe and had to get a tetanus shot.. I was told someone be be out the same day no one has came out as of yet.. I have videos and picture of everything thats going on need some advice.
